From Idea To Funded Project: Grant Proposals That Work, Fourth Edition
Author: Jane C C Belcher
This latest edition of A Process for the Development of Ideas has more than a new title--it has been expanded to show you exactly how to cultivate an idea to its total funding potential and garner support from within your organization. The authors demonstrate how to develop and refine the project to ensure success and how to plan for successful implementation and administration of awarded funds. They also share proven methods to help protect the best ideas from being lost, ignored, or improperly developed. Helpful appendixes identify additional reference materials and information sources as well as feature examples of application forms and other materials.
An updated edition of the authors' A process for the development of ideas, this guide presents methods that carry a selected idea from a written proposal to the final product. Also included are sample forms and proposals; lists of government agency acronyms and addresses; basic information sources; and an annotated bibliography of grants sources. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women
Good information on writing and submitting grant proposals can be as illusive as the funding itself. From Idea to Funded Project walks you through the necessary steps to attain the human, material and financial support needed to develop and sustain a nonprofit, educational or service institution. It shows you how and where to get the green you need. Feeling your way around in the dark halls of moneyland can be discouraging and frustrating. This book can help point to real, doable solutions for obtaining funding crucial to beginning and expanding your project. An indispensable tool for those interested in the nonprofit sector.SH
Book about: Healing Yoga or Promoting the Health of Adolescents
Policies for Competitiveness: Comparing Business-Government Relationships in the Golden Age of Capitalism
Author: Hideaki Miyajima
This book focuses on the so-called 'Golden Age of Capitalism' the 1950s and 1960s, and studying prime-mover countries (the US and the UK), followers (Germany, France, and Italy), and latecomers (Japan and Korea). It addresses the crucial questions to be asked; what appropriate roles should government be assigned, and which government actions are useful public policy and which represent unnecessary and harmful intervention?