Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Strategic Interviewing or Discovering America as It Is

Strategic Interviewing: How to Hire Good People

Author: Jack L Simonetti

Interviewing is one of the most effective ways to identify and attract employees who will be successful enough to stay. But few managers are adept at the skill. This book helps eliminate expensive errors of judgment by presenting readers with a set of behaviorally based interviewing strategies. Written by the faculty of the prestigious University of Michigan Executive Education Center--and based on one of their most popular courses--its seven-step "Strategic Interviewing Approach" helps interviewers define the competencies candidates need to possess and make hiring decisions based on accurate predictions of the candidates' performance.

Look this: Trail of Crumbs or Accidental Connoisseur

Discovering America as It Is

Author: Valdas Anelauskas

Discovering America es it Is provides one dissident's eye-view of America, contrasting what Anelauskas terms "American extreme capitalism" not only with the former Soviet system, but also with the more humane operations of European and other capitalisms. It provides a gripping blow by blow analysis of the negative effects and ramifications of major U.S. social policy directions over the past decade and raises serious questions concerning America's leading role as a model for development, and even its future competitivity due to the deterioration of its human capital resulting from antisocial domestic, policies.

What People Are Saying

Howard Zinn
This is an extraordinary book, especially startling not because it is a diligently researched and scathing critique of contemporary America, but because it is written by a Soviet dissident who arrived here with great expectations and discovered a sobering reality. The scope of the book is breathtaking, a sweeping survey, factually precise and philosophically provocative , which deserves to be compared to de Tocqueville's 19th century classic. I hope it will be widely read.
Howard Zinn, Professor Emeritus of Boston University and author of A People's History of the United States

Ward Churchill
A fascinating read...If just one-in-ten lifelong Americans had ever bothered themselves to learn as much about their country as has this recent Lithuanian immigrant, the horrors he writes about would never have existed. This is must reading for the entire population.
American author and activist, Ward Churchill

David Gil
'Anelauskas' examination of many dimensions of current and past realities of the United States is a veritable tour de force. He avoided the usual approach to deal with these dimensions as separate fragments, each with supposedly separate solutions, but traced them to their underlying common roots in the dynamics of the capitalist institutions and ideology of this society and its culture. Teachers and students of social sciences, history, and philosophy will find in this book a rich source for understanding the forces which shape the quality of our lives and human relations, at home and abroad.
David Gil, Director, Center for Policy Change, Brandeis University

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